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    In memoriam (cheap film)

    I'm shooting a roll of HP5 at the moment 👍 haha I remember those bags of Fuji - it was 5 rolls for £9 or something wasn't it... There's some new film cameras being manufactured at the moment, so I'm hopeful someone makes some cheap film to go in them!
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    In memoriam (cheap film)

    Last week I sent off the last roll from my stockpile of Agfa vista Poundland film to be developed. It was always pretty mediocre, but for £1 it couldn't be beat for value! The super low price made it perfect for experimentation & for chucking in toy cameras without much thought - a freedom I...
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    Monthly Prompts 01: B&W | Landscape

    Hey @Ralph Turner no rules yet other than vaguely following the prompts. I expect it may evolve as the months go on I find it interesting how people can interpret a brief or theme differently so the idea for the thread was to showcase those differences & hopefully start some conversations 😁
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    Monthly Prompts 01: B&W | Landscape

    A set of prompts for members to submit images to. The prompts for month 01 are: B&W | Landscape
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    Photo prompts

    Anyone interested in a monthly photo prompt thread on RPF? Was thinking about setting one up that could have a set of prompts or constraints that members would submit images to & discuss Something like: B&W | Landscape | Film
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    Hugo High Fives

    For anyone else on android - you get the hhf option if you do a long press on the like button 👍
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    Hello 👋

    Cheers Stevenson 👍 I like experimenting with generative art & sometimes I'll incorporate my photos in to it. My process is to write an app using CSS, JavaScript & PHP that I can feed an image in to & get an end result
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    Hello from Pittsburgh, PA.

    Hello Eugene 👋 sounds interesting, look forward to seeing some shots! I recently made some little mods to my holga so it can take 35mm as I couldn't justify the cost of medium format anymore 😭
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    Hello 👋

    That's good to hear! I used to post a fair bit on Flickr back in the day, but ever since that went down the pan I've not been able to find a decent online community for photography
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    Hello 👋

    Cheers Pete 👍 I was after something small & quick & that voigtlander jumped out at me on ebay! I've heard the light meters can be a bit funky on these old cameras, so fingers crossed for the results
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    Hello 👋

    I'm Thom from Bristol - I came across this forum after reading the 10 year 35mmc post & it looked like a good place to share & discuss photog (Instagram & twitter becoming more toxic by the day). I like photographing different environments & experimenting with code to manipulate my images...